Monday, June 6, 2011

Enjoy your conjugal life

Intruduction: O Dear loved ones! From Aeshethi be an ideal husband and have a perfect wife? It is Ireju to have a happy life of a family happy? Come, beloved, looking for a way Happiness in life Alazdagip and symbols.
Alamuralte Must be sensitive to it because Alazdagip enjoy life.
O Loved ones!
Happiness Marriage is not Giving a constant, but increases and decreases according to a couple of his effort to achieve them; And therefore they need to pursue sustained and continuous effort, not only to achieve, and even conservative Also. Let us now look for things and symbols that Listen to our lives marital pleasure. Are as follows:

: The confidence Of the means to achieve happiness, Fmma recommended Abdullah bin Jafar bin Abi Talib, his daughter When you marry, he said: "Beware of jealousy, they key to divorce." Confidence is not to be To be mutually absolutely flawless, all Atom of doubt before it breaks down corn love breaks down Coherence and construction begins To collapse gradually.
Doubt:Any problem can be treated and cure In marriage, but doubt, if Anzerat First mosquito They do not leave this relationship at all, and multiply Doubts and multiply and become there is hope. May play a The parties of the game in doubt, imagine the wife - wrong - they move the doubts Her husband, she moved towards her emotions and make it more grip , Or perhaps it is worth knowing and desirable than others! Afikderha and accept the right of them, for example, contends Admiration of others, or may be called upon favorably or admired Man, or they may deliberately things would then raise his zeal to raise doubts, and these The game in a very serious .. It Like a child who Plays a mine could explode in his face at any moment.
According to some psychologists That man who plays the game really doubt not trustworthy, In the inside of aggression, and it is possible to betray already He was able to play this game at the level of Imagine a scenario designed and treason.

By paying The two things mentioned: The rush of women to use Jealousy weapon And uncertainty due to neglected husband, and the man rushes to this method Because of the wife neglects, but whatever the reasons, it is Should not set off a bomb in doubt, because it If exploded Overthrew everything. Marriage is a relationship must be based on Of mutual trust to achieve stability and happiness.
: You may enjoy Admiration of all people, but if you missed an impressive companion you will lose your life you like Yourself, you do not care but this impressive companion, it is only to show you care Citizen has a beauty and your strength and your creativity and your excellence and your success, which you are interested to hear from him Word of praise, which is not as words of others, but is a word you express understanding and happiness, Because you and you deserve love and appreciation, and therefore must transcend words and amount Admiration not be dealing with a traditional shape and outer beauty, elegance and potential Only physical, but extends to include intelligence and thought, success and excellence.
Vamidh between Couple enters the joy of self, a psychological need needs of both parties. The Praise to the Prophet peace be upon him, Mr. Khadija when he said: "I believe in my It Kafr my people, and people believed me, since he denied me, Ostni and its money. It was narrated that Umar ibn Speech that he admonished one of the wives that she told her husband that she dislikes, Homes are based on ten, affection and compassion, and may For both spouses to compliment each other, Hadeeth is da'eef man to his wife, a woman says to her husband, is not so Lying or hypocrisy.
Language Dialogue: Rights with the People closest to him to debate his mark sometimes, the silence of the smell the smell of good, Moving silently and looks breathtaking eyes and expressions Face, and any dialogue in the marital life is not Must be friendly and reflects the spirit of tolerant good easy simple string, Even in the most nervous times and the revolution and anger. Hostility is abhorrent and spoil gradually and without Tdria Your marriage.
Interviews gently .. Use thinner words, even though I wanted to express The most difficult meanings and Ohqaha .. You are not Linda do not Enemy, a competitor .. And your companion is not a party to a stranger .. It is you and the marriage between you and the ten And affection And compassion.
Beware of criticism In all its forms .. Beware offend .. Be careful Blame .. Let Allowed expression of your face .. Let your eye gaze Caring .. Let your voice tones and a worm, and let your good.
Angered .. Brawl .. Became agitated .. Ther .. Admonished .. But be friendly and compassionate as God commanded.

Plurality Actors:
Multiple roles Wife in her husband's life, they are a mother and a friend and a sister, a daughter, Habiba, So be All the women in the life of your husband. He needs you Sometimes the mother to care, control and care And its ability to guidance, as needed to reflect the child inside. And child In need of a mother and not the wife. This meeting is important to renew memories of childhood And raises the feelings were there and between basic and important Son and mother, and drives the couple wealth Sensations of rich warm.
The multiple roles Husband in his wife's life, he is the father and brother And the Son and the beloved, let also a father who drives his wife, childhood, The grace of God the Father Almighty is the Force Protection - Opinion of good packets responsibility Fataawa Inside you and your triumph.
Distribution Responsibility:Different relationship Marriages from other other relationships, any relationship based on the terms of written Or unwritten, and is also based on equality, equity and fair distribution of responsibility But in marriage, in this blessed relationship may be a weak party Or unable, negative, or suffer certain deficiencies or lack of something, and here The other party and willingly compensate this deficit or shortage or deficiency. A Relationship between husband and wife and the man has the nature and particular specifications, as well as women, and each Role in life according to their resources and capabilities, nature and composition.
For both The parties do not dispute the other responsibilities, and not asking him to assume responsibilities Would do. Inviting equality is an invitation devoid of any understanding The nature of the relationship between men and women, should not be To consider all of the other party as equal. It Relationship free from any suspicion of a challenge or wet, then it could be there Match the nature of women and men, they are different Anatomically and physiologically and psychologically.
And guided by men By nature of its responsibilities as a man of decency, as well as women; compliance with the words of the prophet Allaah be upon him: "you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock ". Flethml Each of you responsibilities, and carry any of you The other on his shoulders if that other is unable to Bear some responsibilities. Marriage is not a company and not an institution and not Trade, but is love, cooperation and integration and a common life.

O Loved ones! I looked for things and symbols to enjoy life now and duplication detailed search For viruses and method of disposal outlined:
Viruses and method of disposal:
Reasons: the desire to own. Doubt the other partner. A lack of candor.
Treatment: respect for the freedom and privacy The other partner.
Full and frank discussion quiet objectivity.
Stay away from mixing as much as possible.
Reasons: fear. Default . Escape and non-confrontation.
Treatment: simple fault tolerance The two partners.
Knowledge of the duties and Almsoulyat for both.
Simply acknowledging mistakes when they occur.
Reasons: stubbornness and challenge and controversy Provocative.
Weakness of the other partner and non-parity.
Treatment: patience .. Parallelism .. Tolerance .. Conviction.
Affection and intimacy in the marital relationship.
Honesty and candor in all circumstances.
4.Negative parental involvement
Reasons: personal problems leak Outside the home.
Frequent visits to the parents and inform them of the details of the private And without justification.
Treatment: maintaining the confidentiality of And privacy of the marital relationship
And moderation in the visits and interest in the affairs of Home
And family first.
5. Selfishness
Causes: self-love.
Treatment: respect for the needs and wishes of the party Other.
Partnership between the parties in good times and bad.
Causes: a bad temper and offensive character.
Treatment: Praise and thanks to the tender God and the enjoyment of halaal provision
And the certainty that death is always nearby.
Causes: the routine of life.
The lack of innovation in everyday things. Vacuum.
Treatment: Striving to be renewed until In the simplest things.
Few of change and dislocation perfect dress might be useful.
Fill the void of things useful and innovative ideas.
Causes: a self-origin. Dependency.
Treatment: the organization of everyday life.
Self-reliance as much as possible.
Sense of responsibility.
End: Finally, we say that the duplication of life and family is a great blessing blessed we Almighty Creator, We must seek every effort to keep them happy and get the must each of the requests so that the Comply with in his life, the things that suspended them and enjoy this happiness and avoid all Things that stand between you and happiness Alasdair life and enjoy it.